cost (Ukraine)

Expenses including tuition fees for international students for the 2022/2023 academic year from universities
(Price is subject to change) last changes: 19.08.2022


Name of specialty Bachelor Master
day, $ correspondence, $ day, $ correspondence, $
International business (training in English is possible) 1450 / 1550 1100 1450 1400
International Economics (training in English is possible) 1200/1300 900/1000 1200/1300 1000/1100
Customs 1550 900 1200 1000

Name of specialty Bachelor Master
day, $ correspondence, $ day, $ correspondence, $
International business (training in English is possible) 1450 / 1550 1100 1450 1400
International Economics (training in English is possible) 1200/1300 900/1000 1200/1300 1000/1100
Customs 1550 900 1200 1000

Name of specialty Bachelor Master
day, $ correspondence, $ day, $ correspondence, $
International business (training in English is possible) 1450 / 1550 1100 1450 1400
International Economics (training in English is possible) 1200/1300 900/1000 1200/1300 1000/1100
Customs 1550 900 1200 1000

Name of specialty Bachelor Master
day, $ correspondence, $ day, $ correspondence, $
International business (training in English is possible) 1450 / 1550 1100 1450 1400
International Economics (training in English is possible) 1200/1300 900/1000 1200/1300 1000/1100
Customs 1550 900 1200 1000


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