Питання відповідь

In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. The cost of living in a dormitory is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university for offline admission.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a dormitory. Cost of living in
dormitories are $35-60 per month, depending on the university chosen for offline admission.
В Україні кожному іноземному студенту після зарахування надається місце у гуртожитку. Вартість проживання в гуртожитку складає 35-60 $ на місяць, залежно від обраного вишу при offline вступі.


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