Enter universities in Europe and get a quality education at a price

from $1,700 per year
  • Guaranteed admission subject to compliance with the necessary conditions

  • Choosing the best universities and programs for study

  • Constant support of the curator

  • Online admission


We provide comprehensive
support at every stage

We guarantee you admission and full support during your studies.

Throughout the entire educational process, we help to resolve issues related to study or adaptation in a new country

Why our students trust us


We are an official agent registered in the Ukrainian State Center for International Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and have direct agreements with the country’s leading universities.


We understand how difficult it is to adapt in a new country, so our consultants are always in touch. Regardless of whether you study online or offline, we solve all organizational and educational issues.


We monitor the academic performance of students. We send reminders about upcoming sessions, tuition fees, and continued registration. Established a scholarship for the best student to motivate achievement and development.

Student orientation

Where others see only a client, we see a living person, his interests, dreams and ambitions. We involve students in the social and cultural initiatives of the city so that they immerse themselves more deeply in the life of the new community and adapt better.

Advantages of studying in Europe

Variety of programs and specialties

High quality of education

Multicultural environment

Learning foreign languages

Financial availability

Research opportunities

Cultural saturation and the opportunity to travel in Europe

Understanding of European business environment standards

See from which countries
students come to us

We believe in the integral development of the student, and it is important for us that every young man feels at home in Ukraine. That’s why we’ve created a friendly community where education is complemented by cultural and social immersion.


Meet our coordinators
your professional guides to European education

Leave a request for consultation with the curator of your area and get answers to all additional questions.
Olena Lishunova
curator of the Turkish direction
Daria Muradova
curator of the Turkish direction
Yana Kharchuk
curator of the Turkish direction
Ksenia Zhigulina
curator of the Turkish direction

The cost of studying in Europe

by bachelor's degree, master's degree and preparatory department
Напрямки Англійський
Economic specialties from 1700 $ for a year
Economic specialties from 3500 $ for a year
Economic specialties from 1700 $ for a year
Economic specialties from 1500 $ for a year
Economic specialties from 3000 $ for a year

Stages of offline admission to Ukrainian universities

  • Application for choosing a university and choosing a specialty

  • Receiving an invitation

  • Visa application

  • University entrance exams

  • Signing a contract with the university and paying tuition

  • Check-in to the hoste

Shall we play?

Answer 3 simple questions correctly, receive a gift ???? – an exclusive checklist about life and education in Europe

We talked to our students and collected real facts for you that no one else will tell you about

Що всередині:
  • 8 reasons to choose Ukrainian education;
  • real pros and cons of living in Ukraine;
  • cost of living to properly plan your budget;
  • tips on how to avoid being cheated and stay safe;
  • list of documents required for admission;
  • list of the best universities in Ukraine.

About us

International Education Center «INGEK» is a team of professionals that helps applicants from different countries obtain higher education in Ukraine. We know how difficult and lengthy the process of admission to foreign universities can be, so we take care of all organizational issues.
Our team is not just an intermediary between you and the university, but an assistant and mentor to every foreign student. We are there at every stage – from choosing a specialty and university, to adapting to a new cultural and social environment. We carefully consider every detail to ensure that our cooperation is the key to a successful start to your career.

Learn more


years of experience

14 000+




Our offices are located
all over the world

We believe in the holistic development of the student, and it is important for us that every young man feels himself
like at home in Ukraine. Therefore, we have created a friendly community where education is complemented
cultural and social immersion.


The main office is located in Ukraine, in Kharkiv. This is the second place (after the dormitory) that students see on the day of their arrival in Ukraine. We always meet our students over a cup of tea with sweets.

Ukraina, 61445, Kharkiv per. Engineering 1st
  • Uzbekistan

  • Turkey

  • Azerbaijan

  • Nigeria

  • Ghana

  • Morocco

We have signed direct agreements with leading
universities of Ukraine

We are asked

  • The original and copy of document on previous education;
  • The original and a copy of the annex to the education document containing information about academic performance;
  • Medical certificate of health, certified by the official health authority of the country, issued no later than 2 months before entering Ukraine for study; upon offline admission
  • A copy of a passport document or identification document of a stateless person;
  • Insurance policy for emergency medical care; upon offline admission
  • 14 photographs measuring 3×4 cm; upon offline admission
    The specified documents must be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a notary
In order to obtain a visa, you must visit a country where there is a Ukrainian embassy and apply from there. For a complete list of embassies and consulates, see the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine -www.mfa.gov.ua
No. Only a student visa (type D) gives the right to enter the territory of Ukraine to obtain education. An official letter of invitation is required to obtain a visa.
This is an official invitation from the university to study. To apply for an invitation, you need to fill out a form, send us a photo of your passport and a document about your previous education. We’ll do the rest.
Processing the document takes from three to five working days, depending on the university you choose. Afterwards we send you an invitation via DHL. You additionally pay shipping costs. The invitation is valid for 1 year.
It depends on the country for which the visa is issued. Typically, the visa process takes about ten working days. Sometimes it can be extended up to 30 working days.
    • An invitation to study costs $25-50. The final price depends on your citizenship and the university you choose. It also includes the cost of visa support.
    • Registration in Ukraine («posvidka») and insurance – $150 for 1 year. They must be done for the entire period of study. upon offline admission
    • The cost of nostrification (recognition of previous educational documents) depends on the document.
    • Payment for living in a hostel is $35-60 per month, depending on the university. upon offline admission


We work only with state universities of IV accreditation level. These universities issue a European-style diploma, which is recognized in all developed countries of the world.
In Ukraine, after enrollment, every foreign student is provided with a place in a hostel. The cost of living in a hostel is $35-60 per month, depending on the chosen university. upon offline admission.


    Create your personal success story! Fill out the application form and open new horizons

    Checking the invitation