Romanian-American University

Specialty Language of instruction Education level Tuition fees Registration fee
International business
Bachelor – 3 years
Regular tuition 3400€ / early registration for enrollment before July – 2700€ first year
300 € – (for African students)
Informatics for economics
Business management in tourism and aviation
Master – 2 years
Regular tuition 4700€ / early registration for enrollment before July – 4000€ first year
Informatics for business
Regular tuition 3600€ / early registration for enrollment before July – 2900€ first year
International Business and Entrepreneurship
International Economic Relations and Economic Diplomacy
Strategic Marketing
Preparatory Department (Romanian or English) 1 year 2 900€


Craiova University

Faculty Bachelor Master Bachelor/ Master Registration fee
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics Computers Information Systems for e-Business 3 500€
500 € – (for African students)
Faculty of Law Business Law 3 000€
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Economics and International Business International Economics and Business Administration 3 000€
Faculty of Mechanics Design and Manufacturing in Automotive Engineering 3 500€
Faculty of Sciences
Theoretical Physics 3 500€
Advanced Techniques for Information Processing 3 500€
Faculty of Letters Translation and Interpreting (English/ French) Translation and terminology in the European context (English/ French) 3 500€



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