Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Of Cherkasy is a classical higher education institution of European level, an educational and scientific institution, one of the centers of education, science, culture and spirituality of the country.

The university occupies a leading position among educational institutions in the region, improves its rating in the world of science, generates cultural, educational and social-patriotic initiatives, helps local residents discover new horizons of thinking and intellectual existence.

The essence and goal of the educational process at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Of Cherkasy is to provide modern education that gives graduates the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to begin a career in the scientific and professional field, to conduct research that will make a significant contribution to the development of science and economics and contribute to the development of Cherkasy region, Ukraine and the world.

Students of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Of Cherkasy are pragmatic, easy-going, determined, proactive, patriotic and romantic. They easily learn the principles of academic mobility, value their identity and student communication, view education as a means of personal growth and socialization, and learn to think on a global-international scale. The university creates a common space for students where they can express their creative abilities in study and science.

The university has established itself as a higher education institution of European level.

On the pages of the centuries-old history of the university, records of academicians and honored teachers, artists and Olympic champions have been preserved.

The educational, research and organizational activities of the university justify the truth, tested by time and experience: the education received at the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University Of Cherkasy ensures success.


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